Review: A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper

Title: A Light Most Hateful

Author: Hailey Piper

Publisher: Titan Books

Length: 280 Pages

Category: Horror

Rating: 5 Stars

At a Glance: Hailey Piper’s writing is sublime, ethereal, vivid, and she clinches every scene and mood with precision. This is, in short, a fantastic Horror story for those who love a good mind-bender.

Reviewed By: Lisa

Blurb: Three years after running away from home, Olivia is stuck with a dead-end job in nowhere town Chapel Hill, Pennsylvania. At least she has her best friend, Sunflower.

Olivia figures she’ll die in Chapel Hill, if not from boredom, then the summer night storm which crashes into town with a mind-bending monster in tow.

If Olivia’s going to escape Chapel Hill and someday reconcile with her parents, she’ll need to dodge residents enslaved by the storm’s otherworldly powers and find Sunflower.

But as the night strains friendships and reality itself, Olivia suspects the storm, and its monster, may have its eyes on Sunflower and everything she loves.

Including Olivia.

Review: “I am the nightmare that knew what it was and knew what the dreamer could dream.”

Hailey Piper gifts readers with a positively lush, deliciously macabre, and exquisitely unhinged story in her latest offering, A Light Most Hateful. What begins as a typical night in a small Appalachian town turns sinister in a matter of moments. Where the tale goes from there is unexpected and offers up some outstanding anxiety from one page to the next.

“In some secret holy places, only darkness can protect from the horrors of light.”

Piper’s writing is sublime, ethereal, vivid, and she clinches every scene and mood with precision. This is a story of two teenage girls, an unrequited crush, and a world gone nightmarishly mad. The hellscape the author paints and readers fall into with the characters is a bit like falling down the rabbit hole and discovering you’re the main course at a savage feast. And the only way out is through.

“No past did not mean no future. No destination did not mean no destiny.”

For all Hailey Piper puts her characters—and thus, her readers—through, A Light Most Hateful ends with the hope of something more, something better out there in the intangible world beyond the brink of Chapel Hill. This is, in short, a fantastic Horror story for those who love a good mind-bender.

You can buy A Light Most Hateful here:

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