Review: Cicadas: A Totally Ordinary Epic Love Story by Avery Cockburn

Title: Cicadas: A Totally Ordinary Epic Love Story Author: Avery Cockburn Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 454 Pages Category: Romance Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Cicadas is utterly and unabashedly beautiful. It’s an uncommon sort of Romance with a familiar theme that delivers its protagonists to their happy ever after. It's a totally ordinary love... Continue Reading →

Review: Awakening in Sapphire by Jonathan Hawker

Title: Awakening in Sapphire Series: Once & Forever Kings: Book One Author: Jonathan Hawker Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 502 Pages Category: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Rating: 3.5 Stars At a Glance: Stylistically speaking, this book and I didn't jibe, but overall, Awakening in Sapphire throws out some great surprises and originality to give an awesome spin to an... Continue Reading →

Review: A Disaster’s Wake by Kennedy Sutton

Title: A Disaster's Wake Series: Silver Locket Origins: Book Three Author: Kennedy Sutton Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 334 Pages Category: Historical Romance Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Kennedy Sutton's prose is lush, expressive, and suits the story with its flourishes and vivid descriptions of time and place. The seafaring life was a difficult one,... Continue Reading →

Review: Tears in Time by Christian Baines

Title: Tears in Time Series: The Arcadia Trust: Book Four Author: Christian Baines Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 284 Pages Category: Urban Fantasy Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: The momentum of this installment of the Arcadia Trust series is breakneck. Fortunately for readers, only in the figurative sense. For some of its characters, not so... Continue Reading →

Review: Second Song by Con Riley

Title: Second Song Series: Second Chance School: Book One Author: Con Riley Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 312 Pages Category: Contemporary Romance Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Con Riley delivers a patently beautiful story in Second Song, about two men who get a second chance to love themselves. Reviewed By: Lisa Blurb: Do first times... Continue Reading →

Review: Under His Name by M.A. Grant

Title: Under His Name Series: Accidentally Undercover: Book Five Author: M.A. Grant Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 182 Pages Category: Romantic Suspense Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: M.A. Grant throws two men together in a forced proximity situation of no small magnitude, and then allows them to reevaluate their misperceptions and first impressions. All leading... Continue Reading →

Review: Under the Gun by Cari Z

Title: Under the Gun Series: Accidentally Undercover Author: Cari Z Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 166 Pages Category: Romantic Suspense Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Under the Gun is a fun and frantic romp into, through, and out of danger. If you're looking for an enjoyable way to spend a few hours reading a book... Continue Reading →

Review: Gary the Once and Former King by Isabel Murray

Title: Gary the Once and Former King Series: The Unwanted King: Book Two Author: Isabel Murray Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 242 Pages Category: Fantasy Rating: 3 Stars At a Glance: Gary the Once and Former King comes down to this: it wasn't necessary to read this book. It doesn't add anything of depth or value... Continue Reading →

Review: Gary of a Hundred Days by Isabel Murray

Title: Gary of a Hundred Days Series: The Unwanted King: Book One Author: Isabel Murray Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 172 Pages Category: Romantic Fantasy Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Gary of a Hundred Days is categorized as Fantasy, but it's more so a Fairy Tale. That is unless the next book builds a more... Continue Reading →

Review: The Fall and Rise of Henry Milch by Marshall Thornton

Title: The Fall and Rise of Henry Milch Series: The Wyandot County Mysteries: Book Three Author: Marshall Thornton Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 234 Pages Category: Murder Mystery Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: The Fall and Rise of Henry Milch is a journey of self-discovery, only just underway but promising some interesting firsts and developments... Continue Reading →

Review: A Circle of Stars by Craig Montgomery

Title: A Circle of Stars Series: The Stardust Duology: Book One Author: Craig Montgomery Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 483 Pages Category: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, YA/Teen Rating: 3.5 Stars At a Glance: A Circle of Stars is a political saga and comes with some content cautions, including homophobia and abuse. Craig Montgomery's writing is straightforward without being... Continue Reading →

Review: A Fine Tangle by Kennedy Sutton

Title: A Fine Tangle Series: Silver Locket Origins: Book Two Author: Kennedy Sutton Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 340 Pages Category: Historical Drama Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: While I prefer more dialogue in telling a story than this book offers, the things that happen to Mickey and Hugh, and the things they make happen... Continue Reading →

Review: A Glorious Mess by Kennedy Sutton

Title: A Glorious Mess Series: Silver Locket Origins: Book One Author: Kennedy Sutton Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 278 Pages Category: Historical Romance Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Despite the complications and serious implications of Mickey and Hugh's romance, A Glorious Mess is a gorgeous book. I happily wallowed in all the turmoil Kennedy Sutton... Continue Reading →

Review: Interwoven by Ripley Hayes

Title: Interwoven Series: Daniel Owen Welsh Mysteries: Book Eight Author: Ripley Hayes Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 281 Pages Category: Mystery/Suspense Rating: 4.5 Stars At a Glance: Interwoven is such an inspired title for this final novel in the Daniel Owens Mysteries series. Kudos to the author for using it to such great effect. If you're... Continue Reading →

Review: Ghost Flower by Jessica Conwell

Title: Ghost Flower Author: Jessica Conwell Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 454 Pages Category: Dark Fantasy, Sapphic Fantasy Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Jessica Conwell gives voice to a world and its characters filled with danger and wonder. And there is sorrow. So much sorrow. It is heartbreak given form and substance. I don't want... Continue Reading →

Review: Us, Et Cetera by Kit Vincent

Title: Us, Et Cetera Author: Kit Vincent Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 330 Pages Category: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Kit Vincent leaves no doubt who the villains are in this story, no doubt who the heroes are, and no doubt that humanity is not defined by biology alone, but by words and deeds,... Continue Reading →

Review: Something Wicked by Lily Morton

Title: Something Wicked Series: Black and Blue: Book Three Author: Lily Morton Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 340 Pages Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: 3.5 Stars At a Glance: Overall, while I liked the horror and mystery elements of Something Wicked a great deal, I think the advancing of Blue and Levi’s relationship may have been better served in... Continue Reading →

Review: 2 Dead Fish Named Kevin by L.A. Witt

Title: 2 Dead Fish Named Kevin Author: L.A. Witt Publisher: Amazon/Kindle Unlimited Length: 85 Pages Category: Contemporary Romance Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Witt takes full advantage of the meet-cute and the opportunity to bring these characters together in charmingly romantic ways. Come for the two dead fish, stay for the happy ending. Reviewed... Continue Reading →

Ricochet: An Interview with Author Reese Knightley

Lisa: We’re so pleased to have author Reese Knightley stopping by today on the tour for her latest release, Ricochet, book one in the Out for Justice series. Welcome, Reese! Let’s start right out with a book question. What’s your favorite scene in Ricochet, and what makes it a fave? Reese: I’d have to say... Continue Reading →

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