Review: Song of the Tyrant Worm by Hailey Piper

Title: Song of the Tyrant Worm Series: The Worm and His Kings: Book Three Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Off Limits Press Length: 197 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: I haven't read a Hailey Piper book yet that hasn't twisted my brain in some far out and unusual ways. She has such... Continue Reading →

Review: Cranberry Cove by Hailey Piper

Title: Cranberry Cove Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Bad Hand Books Length: 119 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: The evil done in this short novel is becoming of its genre, which Hailey Piper serves up in her usual way. The monsters are gruesome and gluttonous. They feed on fear and thirst for... Continue Reading →

2023: The Year in Reviews

If you're reading this, welcome, and Happy New Year πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡πŸŽŠ If the best you can say is you're glad 2023 is in the rearview mirror, well, give yourself a pat on the back for persevering. You made it through another year, and that's something worth acknowledging as an accomplishment in itself. Throughout the year, I've... Continue Reading →

Review: A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper

Title: A Light Most Hateful Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Titan Books Length: 280 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Hailey Piper’s writing is sublime, ethereal, vivid, and she clinches every scene and mood with precision. This is, in short, a fantastic Horror story for those who love a good mind-bender. Reviewed By:... Continue Reading →

Review: Even the Worm Will Turn by Hailey Piper

Title: Even the Worm Will Turn Series: The Worm and His Kings: Book Two Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Off Limits Press Length: 146 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Hailey Piper is a fantastic storyteller and my new favorite Horror author, homing in on things in the real world that we all... Continue Reading →

Review: The Worm and His Kings by Hailey Piper

Title: The Worm and His Kings Series: The Worm and His Kings: Book One Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Off Limits Press Length: 135 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Hailey Piper's writing is vivid and exceptionally provocative. This book is not for the squeamish or faint of heart, of course, and while... Continue Reading →

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