Review: Song of the Tyrant Worm by Hailey Piper

Title: Song of the Tyrant Worm Series: The Worm and His Kings: Book Three Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Off Limits Press Length: 197 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: I haven't read a Hailey Piper book yet that hasn't twisted my brain in some far out and unusual ways. She has such... Continue Reading →

Review: Even the Worm Will Turn by Hailey Piper

Title: Even the Worm Will Turn Series: The Worm and His Kings: Book Two Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Off Limits Press Length: 146 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Hailey Piper is a fantastic storyteller and my new favorite Horror author, homing in on things in the real world that we all... Continue Reading →

Review: The Worm and His Kings by Hailey Piper

Title: The Worm and His Kings Series: The Worm and His Kings: Book One Author: Hailey Piper Publisher: Off Limits Press Length: 135 Pages Category: Horror Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Hailey Piper's writing is vivid and exceptionally provocative. This book is not for the squeamish or faint of heart, of course, and while... Continue Reading →

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