Review: The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo

Title: The Woods All Black Author: Lee Mandelo Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 153 Pages Category: Historical Fantasy Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Horror is not always about the things that go bump in the night or hide in the places that light can’t touch. Horror is as often about the inhumane masking as human, the... Continue Reading →

Review: A Power Unbound by Freya Marske

Title: A Power Unbound Series: The Last Binding: Book Three Author: Freya Marske Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 422 Pages Category: Historical Fantasy Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: On the long, long list of series I’ve been sorry to see come to a close, but am nonetheless glad I got the chance to love, The Last... Continue Reading →

Review: A Restless Truth by Freya Marske

Title: A Restless Truth Series: The Last Binding: Book Two Author: Freya Marske Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 400 Pages Category: Historical Fantasy Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Maud Blythe is such an engaging heroine, and I loved her intrepid spirit even as I feared for her life at nearly every twist and turn of her... Continue Reading →

Review: Even Though I Knew the End by C. L. Polk

Title: Even Though I Knew the End Author: C. L. Polk Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 133 Pages Category: Historical Fantasy Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: What would you do in the name of love, even though you knew the end? That's the question C. L. Polk asks and answers in ways that define the emotion... Continue Reading →

Review: High Times in the Low Parliament by Kelly Robson

Title: High Times in the Low Parliament Author: Kelly Robson Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 162 Pages Category: Fantasy Rating: 2 Stars At a Glance: High Times in the Low Parliament is a short novel that had potential, but in the end, I was left with too many "hows?" and "whys?" unanswered for it to satisfy. Reviewed... Continue Reading →

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