Review: The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo

Title: The Woods All Black Author: Lee Mandelo Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 153 Pages Category: Historical Fantasy Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Horror is not always about the things that go bump in the night or hide in the places that light can’t touch. Horror is as often about the inhumane masking as human, the... Continue Reading →

Review: A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee

Title: A Shot in the Dark Author: Victoria Lee Publisher: Dell Length: 310 Pages Category: Contemporary Romance, Drama Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: I love that this book reads so deeply personal even though I wasn't attuned to it in ways I've experienced personally. The empathetic bond Victoria Lee builds between her characters and... Continue Reading →

Review: The Forgotten Dead by Jordan L. Hawk

Title: The Forgotten Dead Series: OutFoxing the Paranormal: Book One Author: Jordan L. Hawk Publisher: Self-Published Length: 178 Pages Category: Paranormal, Transgender Romance Rating: 5 Stars At a Glance: Few authors delve into the supernatural as thoroughly or compellingly as Jordan L. Hawk does, and this book has “please make me into a binge-watch” written... Continue Reading →

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