Review: The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo

Title: The Woods All Black Author: Lee Mandelo Publisher: Tordotcom Length: 153 Pages Category: Historical Fantasy Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Horror is not always about the things that go bump in the night or hide in the places that light can’t touch. Horror is as often about the inhumane masking as human, the... Continue Reading →

Review: Dark Currents by Doug Burgess

Title: Dark Currents Author: Doug Burgess Publisher: Poisoned Pen Press Length: 259 Pages Category: Cozy Mystery, Murder Mystery Content Warning: For deadnaming and misgendering of the MC by some characters Rating: 4 Stars At a Glance: Dark Currents is an engaging and suspenseful cozy mystery full of tangled webs and some explosive secrets in a... Continue Reading →

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