Miki St. John And Valentine’s Day Mix It Up In Rhys Ford’s “The Devil’s Brew”

“We’re guys, we don’t do this romantic shit.” – Rhys Ford

Title: The Devil’s Brew (Sinner Series: Book 2.5)

Author: Rhys Ford

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Pages/Word Count: 66 Pages

Rating: 5 Stars

Blurb: Miki St. John’s life has been turned upside down, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

His best friend, Damien Mitchell, is back from the dead. He has a dog named Dude. And more importantly, he and his lover, SFPD Inspector Kane Morgan, now share Miki’s converted warehouse.

For the first time ever, Miki’s living a happy and normal-ish life but when Valentine’s Day rolls around, Miki realizes he knows next to nothing about being domestic or domesticated. Nothing about the traditional lover’s holiday makes sense to him but Miki wants to give Kane a Valentine’s Day the man will never forget.

Can he pull off a day of wine and roses? Or will his screwed up childhood come back and bite Miki in the ass?


Review: Anyone who knows me would tell you that I am definitely not a huge fan of short stories and novellas. This is true, for the most part, unless the shorts and novellas are a continuation of a series. This story was one I couldn’t wait to read. I mean, who doesn’t want to read more about Miki and Kane?

Miki has never really done the whole Valentine’s Day thing, and he realizes that his efforts may not have been great when he goes shopping with Damien. Damien and Miki work together to find a present for Kane and once the shopping is done, they head out for a quick meal. This side trip sends both men down memory lane, and they both admit some hard truths.

When Kane gets called into work while trying to start their celebration, Miki sets out to wrap his first present for Kane and much hilarity ensues, leading him to call Donal over to help him. Once all is properly wrapped, the two men share a poignant conversation that might have given me some misty eyes.

There is plenty of the funny with Dude, there are the feels with Donal, and some very smexy celebrating with Kane. If you have been wanting to catch up with Miki and Kane, this is definitely a must read. This short, sweet little story should be just what you need to hold you over until Tequila Mockingbird.

You can buy The Devil’s Brew (Sinners Series: Book 2.5) here:

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