Review: The Pillar by Kim Fielding

Title: The Pillar

Author: Kim Fielding

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Pages/Word Count:

Rating: 5 Stars

Blurb: During his youth, orphaned thief Faris was flogged at the pillar in the town square and left to die. But a kind old man saved him, gave him a home, and taught him a profession. Now Faris is the herbalist for the town of Zidar, taking care of the injured and ill. He remains lonely, haunted by his past, and insecure about how his community views him. One night, despite his reluctance, he saves a dying slave from the pillar.

A former soldier, Boro has spent the last decade as a brutalized slave. Herbs and ointment can heal his physical wounds, but both men carry scars that run deep. Bound by the constraints of law and social class in 15th century Bosnia, Faris and Boro must overcome powerful enemies to protect the fragile happiness they’ve found.


Review: First of all, I just want to mention that I really love the cover artwork for this book. Very eye catching!

Now, on with the review.

For a historical novel, a genre I don’t normally read, I must say I found The Pillar to be a fascinating story. From the first page I was hooked, and I had trouble putting it down until I’d finished the last page. It’s one of those books that stays with you for awhile after you’ve finished.

When Faris was twelve years old, he was tied to the pillar and flogged until he was near death, something that I found shocking as I read. Talk about a harsh punishment for a child reduced to stealing in order to survive. Faris would have been left there to die, too, if it hadn’t been for Enis, the village herbalist, who cuts Faris down and treats his wounds.

Such was the way of Enis, to treat and nurse back to health anyone who survived the pillar, something Enis passed on to Faris when he took him in as an apprentice, but after Enis passed away and Faris had to quietly put down a couple of people who were beyond saving, Faris refused to deal with the pillar any longer. There’s someone in the village, though, who won’t let Faris turn away from his duty, and it’s because of her that Faris’s conscience takes over when Boro, another man who’s tied to the pillar, is left there, barely alive.

Boro turns out to be another compelling character who’ll twist at your heartstrings. Here is a man who has gone through hell as a slave and still hasn’t lost his humanity or his sanity, and I really love how Faris and Boro found what they needed in each other. In the end, I found what Boro gives up to Faris really touching .

So, I’m giving Kim Fielding’s The Pillar a 5 Star rating. This book is highly recommended for those who like a very well written historical romance.

You can buy The Pillar here:


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