Review: Where He Ends and I Begin by Cardeno C.

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Title: Where He Ends and I Begin

Author: Cardeno C.

Publisher: Self-Published

Pages/Word Count: 289 Pages

At a Glance: I just have to stress the fact that I love this book .

Reviewed By: Jackie

Blurb: Aggressive, physical, and brave, Jake Owens is a small town football hero turned big city cop who passes his time with meaningless encounters believing he can’t have who he really wants: Nate Richardson, his best friend since before forever. Thoughtful, quiet, and kind, Nate is a brilliant doctor who has always known who he is and has never been able to shake his crush on loyal, courageous, straight Jake.

After a passionate night together, Nate realizes Jake isn’t as straight as he assumed, but he worries that what they shared was a fluke, a result of too much closeness for too long. For Jake, the question isn’t how they ended up in bed together because he has always known that Nate holds his heart, it’s how he’ll convince Nate that he wants and needs to stay there.


Review: I think I have to begin this review with a PSA. You see, I am an unashamed total fangirl of Cardeno C. I mean, I think Cardeno C. could write the phone book and I would pre-order it. ‘Kay? Got that? Well then, it should be no surprise to you that I love the entire Home series. My favorite of the series is The One Who Saves Me, but this book was definitely a very close second. There is just something about the connection between Nate and Jake. It’s like destiny and fate got together and made these two men for each other. Those kinds of books are like my crack, just sayin’.

You see, Nate and Jake have been the other half of one another since before they were born. Their mothers were best friends, and they decided to have their children at the same time. So, Nate and Jake were born on the same day, grew up next door to one another and when it was time to be grown ups and move away, they did that together too. As just friends. Why, you ask? Well, when Nate came out early, Jake was supportive, but he was also doing every willing female within a one hundred mile radius, or so it seemed. So Nate figured Jake was straight, and he would just do his best to find love and try to remember that Jake was not an option. Until he was.

Once all of their misunderstandings and miscommunications were resolved, it was like they were given license to have sex. Lots and lots of sex. I guess they were making up for lost time. In between bouts of sex, there was a great love story too. These two were soul mates after all. They experienced a love most people only dream about, and I loved reading it.

These two men not only found each other, but they found a family. Some of this family has been there the whole time, and some of it comes in along the way. There are moments of doubt from Nate and some moments of bravado and territory claiming from Jake, but, overall, this is just a great love story.

Now. We all know very few books are perfect, and this one is no exception. So, yes there was A LOT of sex. Maybe more than the story needed, but I am not going to complain too much about that. The dual point of view didn’t bother me too much, but it can get a tad redundant when entire conversations are repeated verbatim. And, last but not least, the ending was almost too easy. I know, I know. It’s romance and they are supposed to ride off into the sunset, but it isn’t always that simple.

With all that said, though, I just have to stress the fact that I love this book. This series was like crack for me, and I would highly recommend a binge read of the whole thing if you are in the mood for reading some great love stories with guys who are soul mates, fated mates, or some other kind of lovers with their stories written in the stars. It may not always be 100% believable, but boy, does it make me happy.


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