Review: Wayward Son by Shae Connor

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Title: Wayward Son (Sons: Book Two)

Author: Shae Connor

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Pages/Word Count: 200 Pages

At a Glance: The story was good and it is definitely a series I will recommend. I was just left a little disappointed.

Reviewed By: Karen

Blurb: After his move to Atlanta and away from the influence of his conservative parents, Mikey O’Malley finally feels free to be himself: art student, aspiring animator, and out gay man. He has friends, a new job, and not one, but two men interested in him. Cory Lassiter and Jimmy Black have been a happy couple for years, occasionally bringing a twink into their bed, but only for a brief roll in the hay. When Mikey meets the pair, the attraction is immediate, and it runs three ways. Mikey just can’t believe they’d have room in their lives for a permanent addition.

When Mikey’s newfound life is shattered by a lawsuit that accuses him of molesting a child years earlier, he’s determined to face his troubles on his own, but Cory and Jimmy are just as determined that he not have to go it alone. To reconcile his need for independence and his desire for love, Mikey has to learn that being a man isn’t just about standing on your own two feet. It’s about letting yourself lean on the ones who love you.


Review: The first book in this series, Unfortunate Son, had been hanging out on my wish list for awhile when I saw that Wayward Son was going to be coming out, so I figured it was the perfect time to get it and not have to wait for the book two. Unfortunate Son was better than I had expected, and I stayed up way past my bedtime since I couldn’t force myself to put it down. I finished it and couldn’t wait for Mikey, Cory and Jimmy’s story. We get a glimpse of them in Unfortunate Son, and since I have been on a ménage reading spree lately, I couldn’t wait for this one. Again, with Wayward Son, I couldn’t put this book down and read into the night, way later than I should have. The relationship that developed between the three of them was beautiful. As Mikey learned that it was alright not to take everything on himself, and to lean on those around him who care about him, Cory and Jimmy showed him that he didn’t have to stand on his own two feet alone. There were multiple obstacles Mikey had to go through throughout the story, and we get to see Cory and Jimmy care for him, and each other, with unwavering support.

Although I enjoyed the book, I was hoping for more. Going in I was expecting Mikey, Cory, and Jimmy’s story, and it is there, but it is really just Mikey’s story. It ended, and I sat and thought about how I felt about the book in preparation for the review. I just felt like I had missed out on a lot of them actually building their relationship. I felt like I just didn’t get enough of Cory and Jimmy, but it could be that I’m just greedy and loved the guys so much I wanted more. The story was good, and it is definitely a series I will recommend. I was just left a little disappointed.


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