The Books I Will Keep Forever – By Josephine Myles (And There’s A Giveaway!)

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When creating the character of a book hoarder in Junk, I didn’t have to look too far for inspiration. Like many avid readers, I’ve gone through periods of owning far too many books. However, I’ve now got it down to a smallish collection I can manage. The main issue was in deciding which sorts of books Jasper was particularly motivated to keep, and would therefore be able to hold onto while getting rid of the others.

For Jasper, as for me and countless other bookworms, the intense emotional connection to a good book began in childhood. I have vivid memories of sitting inside a duvet cover in the back garden, making my very own tent as I sat and lost myself in fictional worlds. The books I most loved in childhood are still on my shelves, and I had fun adding some of them to Jasper’s collection. Here are ten of all my all-time favourite children’s books, in no particular order:

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

Beautiful illustrations and poetic text to go with them. I do own a small soft toy Max, I must admit. Got to love a wild boy in a wolf suit!

The Neverending Story by Michael Ende

Probably my all time favourite book. I remember borrowing it from the library as a child, and it was a splendid copper silk covered hardback with the two strands of the story written in green and red ink… just like the book inside the story! I now own a scruffy, much read paperback version but I’m still hankering after my own silk covered hardback. Of course, they’re now highly collectible and cost a small fortune. One of these days…

Hilda Boswell’s Treasury of Poetry

An out-of-print classic. I loved this for both Boswell’s wonderfully detailed illustrations you can get lost in, and The Raggle Taggle Gypsies—I often fantasised about running off with the gypsies or the circus when I was a child. Still do sometimes, I must admit! My copy of the book is missing a spine and has kitten stickers on some of the pages, but I’ve kept it despite having a newer, intact copy which I read to my daughter. And just like my mum did for me when I was a girl, I sing The Raggle Taggle Gypsies to her :)

Ronia the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren

I always preferred this to the more famous Pippi Longstocking books. This is one of those books all young girls should read, as it’s a great antidote to saccharine and stereotypical versions of what little girls should be like. I wanted to run around in the forest and have adventures like Ronia. In fact, I still do…

The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

A spellbinding series, and none more so than the wonderful Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Shame about the very last book, though, where the religious agenda got in the way of telling a good story.

Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

I have to add a caveat: I’m only interested in the version illustrated by Sir John Tenniel. That was the one I grew up with and that’s what everything looks like to my mind. There seems to be a popular idea that kids don’t like the Alice books and it’s only adults they appeal to. Nonsense! I loved these bizarre stories when I was a child, particularly the second one. I might not have understood what he was going on about half the time (mathematics, apparently), but that didn’t stop me enjoying the absurd storyline.

This book has a special significance to some of the characters in Junk, and is referenced several times.

The Little House Collection by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I remember being nonplussed for years as to why my aunt and uncle kept buying me these books for birthday and Christmas, and then I finally tried reading them. I was hooked! On the Banks of Plum Creek is still my favourite, though, with the plague of locusts and various disasters that the Wilder family had to live through.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery

Like many of the books on this list, it’s the illustrations I fell in love with first. The little planets that can be walked round with a few paces are a genius idea, and the fox is so cute!

The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

A wonderfully atmospheric tale with an intrepid orphan girl uncovering mysterious goings on in her new home—the wonderfully named Moonacre Manor. Enchanting, and just as good to read again as an adult. Also, Maria has the best bedroom ever!

The Ordinary Princess by M. M. Kaye

A subversive and humorous twist on the standard fairytale princess trope, where the princess is perfectly plain and ordinary, and runs off to live in the forest rather than be married off to a prince. Also, she has a pet red squirrel and a necklace made out of acorns. What’s not to like?!


As you can see, illustrations are incredibly important to me too, and all of these books have ones that I love.

I’ve revisted all of these books as an adult, and they haven’t diminished in any way. In fact, I’m even better placed now to judge how much wisdom for life there is in books like The Little Prince and The Neverending Story. These are books I return to every few years when I want something that both comforts reaffirms what’s important in life, and to my mind they’re far superior to the spiritual growth fables written for adults, like Coelho’s The Alchemist. There’s a part of us that will always remain a child, and children’s books speak directly to that inner core.

Readers, what were the books that first got you passionate about reading? Please share the love of your childhood favourites!


Junk coverJunk

Letting go is the first step to healing…or bringing it all crashing down.

When an avalanche of books cuts off access to his living room, university librarian Jasper Richardson can no longer ignore the truth. His ever-growing piles of books, magazines and newspapers can no longer be classified as a “collection”. It’s a hoard, and he needs professional help.

Professional clutter clearer and counselor Lewis Miller thinks he’s seen it all, but even he has to admit he’s shocked. Not so much by the state of Jasper’s house, but by the level of attraction he still feels for the sexy bookworm he remembers from school.

What a shame that Lewis’s ethical code forbids relationships with clients. As Jasper makes slow but steady progress, though, the magnetic pull between them is so strong even Lewis is having trouble convincing himself it’s a temporary emotional attachment arising from the therapeutic process.

Jasper longs to prove to Lewis that this is the real deal. But first he’ll have to lay bare the root of his hoarding problem…and reveal the dark secret hidden behind his walls of books.

Warning: Contains a level-headed counselor with a secret addiction, a bespectacled geek with a sweet tooth, a killer “to-be-read” pile, embarrassing parents, a van called Alice, and deliciously British slang.

Junk is out now, available from the following retailers:

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About the author:

English through and through, Josephine Myles is addicted to tea and busy cultivating a reputation for eccentricity. She writes gay erotica and romance, but finds the erotica keeps cuddling up to the romance, and the romance keeps corrupting the erotica. Jo blames her rebellious muse but he never listens to her anyway, no matter how much she threatens him with a big stick. She’s beginning to suspect he enjoys it.

For more information about Jo’s published stories, regular blog posts and saucy free reads, visit

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65 thoughts on “The Books I Will Keep Forever – By Josephine Myles (And There’s A Giveaway!)

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  1. Oh, I’m lost in a fog of nostalgia now! I remember my Dad reading the Winnie The Pooh books to me, and getting very anxious during the heffalump story. What an anti-climax that turned out to be! I also loved the 2 books of poems, ‘When We Were Young’ and ‘Now We Are Six’; I can still recite bits of them o.O The first ‘proper’ book I remember reading on my own is Peter Pan; it had chapters and everything. When I was 8, I discovered ‘The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe’. I was utterly enchanted by it and scoured the library for more books from the series. Another one that made a vivid impression was ‘The Silver Sword’. I think this one stood out, not just because it was exciting – I read lots of adventure stories- but because it was about children reacting to events that I knew had happened. It wasn’t fantasy at all.

    My favourite childhood book-related memory is discovering that there was a children’s library. I was used to going to the library with my mum, when she returned her books. One day, she took me into a room I’d never been into before and told me I could choose two books. It was like all my birthdays rolled into one – even though I’d only had 5 ;) I had 2 library cards all of my own (later, I was allowed 3) and they were my most precious possession. I think it took me about a month to work my way through all the Miffy books they had – and it only took me that long because Mum refused to take me to the library every day! I progressed onto ‘Thomas The Tank Engine’, then discovered Enid Blyton.

    I was in a really bad mood this morning, but I’m now sitting here with a big smile on my face :D


    1. Yay! So happy my post helped cheer you up, Shelagh :D

      There’s immense comfort value in those beloved childhood books, isn’t there? I pull them out whenever I want the warm fuzzies. And like you, I remember how much I adored going to the library as a child! And Winnie the Pooh :D


  2. I’ve been reading ever since I can remember. Seriously. I was taught to read as a very young child and just never stopped, lol. Some of my favourites from a child/teenager include:
    – Mog The Forgetful Cat
    – The Poky Little Puppy
    – The Outsiders
    – The Belgariad series
    – A Wrinkle In Time and the others in that series
    – Mary Stewart’s Merlon trilogy and it’s spin-off book, Mordred
    – Bridge To Terabithia
    – To Kill A Mockingbird
    – Wuthering Heights
    – Call Of The Wild


    1. Hi Aniko! Ooh, I don’t know most of those but you’ve just reminded me of The Borrowers–I should have included that one too!

      Wuthering Heights has always been a huge favourite of mine too. I just adore that book. Have you ever read Precious Bane by Mary Webb? I think it’s one all WH fans will love :)


        1. Definitely worth checking out! It’s got definite WH elements (brooding violent hero, northern dialect, country setting), but is overall much more positive and Prue Sarn is a wonderful heroine who ends up with a man who treats her right.


      1. I’ve just looked up Precious Bane and realised that I know the story from a TV film that starred Janet McTeer. I remember really enjoying it, but never realised it was a book. Another one for the TBR list, then o.O


  3. Oh, memories… By the time i’d reached middle school, my parents put their collective foot down and said they’d only take me to the library once a week. well, the library only lets you check out something like 20 books at a time, and i was in the midst of a harlequin romance kick (don’t judge), which take about an hour to read, so I ran out of books way before the end of the week. To get around this unthinkable decree, I used to walk the 3 mile round trip twice a week. Anyway, here’s the list of those that first come to mind:

    *childhood (first learning to read stage): those Peter Pan books with the accompanying audio (apparently I used to read along and do the different voices)

    *childhood: “Rain Makes Applesauce” by Julian Scheer (wonderful foolishness & semi-creepy illustrations by Marvin Bileck),

    *middle school: “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman (indescribable and all-encompassing)

    *high school: “The IRA” by Tim Pat Coogan (has both character and references. Plus, i’m a huge Irish History geek)

    *high school: “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut (short story dystopia)

    *high school: “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift (fantastic satire)

    *adulthood: “Post Office” by Charles Bukowski (amazingly self-deprecating, depressing, and hysterical. Best of Bukowski, and that’s saying something)

    *adulthood: “The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople” by Jonathan Phillips (also a huge Medieval History geek)

    *adulthood: “Road Trip” series by BA Tortuga (sucker for Tortuga’s books; threw an absolutely unbecoming tantrum waiting a year and a half for the 4th to be published)

    *adulthood: pretty much anything by Amy Lane (even though her books give me the feels and it pisses me off)

    *lifelong: any non-fiction/reference book I can get my hands on, regardless of subject. my dad’s favorite response to any question has always been, “Look it up in ‘Tell Me Why.’” suppose that book should go on my list too.


  4. I did enjoy the Narnia series, although I’ve not tried re-reading – I loved Alan Garner’s Wierdstone of Brisingamen series & The Owl Service when I was younger but didn’t enjoy them when re-reading as an adult. So now I’m a little wary of reading old favourites – I’d rather keep them as fond memories :)
    I’ve always loved reading so there are a lot of good memories in there – Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books, Circus of Adventure, Island of Adventure. The Hardy Boys. Nancy Drew. David Eddings & Roger Zelazny – those I’ve re-read many times as an adult :) And many, many more :)


    1. Ooh, The Famous Five! I used to love those, and Nancy Drew, but have never reread since. So many wonderful books I could be catching up on… but when would I find the time? Will just have to hope my daughter wants me to read them to her ;)


  5. Mmm, as a child I couldnt get enough of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five, reread them lots. Even at high school when we were having to read Great Expectations, The Day of The Triffid, I was always chapters ahead of the class. I do like my classics too -P&P never gets old for me and my first mystery, The Moonstone.
    I’m just glad I can store on an ereader. Every now and then I go through my keepers and a few more hit the hospice shop.


    1. The Moonstone–yes, Wilkie Collins is fantastic. Love The Woman in White. And I was a major John Wyndham fan in my early teens so I can relate to The Day of the Triffids. Went through a major dystopian phase then!


  6. Hi, Jo, thanks so much for being here with us today!

    Maurice Sendak will always be one of my all-time favorite authors, and believe it or not, I didn’t read a single one of his books until I’d become an adult. I read nearly all of his work just a few years ago after reading Angels and Wild Things: The Archetypal Poetics of Maurice Sendak by John Cech. If you can find the book, I highly recommend it to all Sendak fans.

    But one of the books that I’ll keep forever is Ezra Jack Keats’ The Snowy Day. It’s a simple story but the illustrations are beautiful. I don’t have my childhood copy but I bought it when my daughter was just a toddler and have shared it with all three of my children. It’s still on my bookshelf. :)


    1. Could have sworn I replied to this earlier but my post seems to have disappeared :(

      The kids books I’ve discovered as an adult are the Dr. Seuss ones. I knew they existed when I was a child but don’t remember reading them–I think I found the illustrations creepy. Now I love them, though. The rhymes are so much fun to read to Daisy!


  7. My first love of books came when I was sixteen. I came across Anne of Green Gables while visiting Prince Edward Island on a family vacation. I still have that book and all the books in the series. I fell in love with mysteries when my dear hubby suggested I read A Mysterious Affair at Styles. I have every one of Agatha Christie’s books. These two collections I will hold on to forever.


  8. I still have a Little Golden Book about a chicken and a fox but it has been packed away for so long I am not sure what the title is anymore. I read that book over and over as a child and I would read it now if it weren’t safely stowed in the attic. The Paddington books, I adored those! I also read and loved The Encyclopedia Brown and The Great Brain books when I was in grade school and love them to this day. Flowers for Algernon, To Kill a Mockingbird, and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich shaped my early teen years.


    1. Hi Allison–sounds like you need to go digging in the attic!

      I’ve never encountered Flowers for Algernon but it looks great. Have to admit, I never read To Kill a Mockingbird until I was in my 30s. Not sure how that one slipped by, but I suppose there just wasn’t enough time to read ALL the classics!


  9. I have always loved books. My love of reading definitely comes from my mother who is a huge reader as well. Your list is great, and some of them were definitely my favorites too, like the Little House books. Also Nancy Drew and Anne of Green Gables when I was a kid. I still have those books on my shelves.


    1. Oh, Anne of Green Gables! I loved those too. Had forgotten all about them. And Little Women and What Katy Did. *Sighs* so many wonderful books to revisit! Wish I’d kept them all, but they shouldn’t be hard to track down again :)


  10. What an awesome post! The last time I moved, I counted my books as I packed them–I confess, I stopped counting when I passed the thousand mark because it was slowing me down! I do wonder what houses of the future will look like because mine would not be the same without the bookcases overflowing with books. It says to the person who walks in the door, “Here lives one of your kind, a bibliophile.”

    Unfortunately, it also says, “Here lives someone with too many animals and only a passing acquaintance with the vacuum cleaner.” ;-)

    Just reading this post the the comments with it has been a delight–a trip down Nostalgia Lane as I think of my own favorites: The Black Stallion, Summer Pony, Lassie Come Home, all the great mysteries from the Golden Age of the 1920s and 30s, Heinlein, Bradbury, oh, I could go on, couldn’t I?

    I love the premise here for Junk–not what I expected at all. Marvelous! Going on the TBR list!


    1. Hi Sarah! Houses full of bookcases always make me feel welcome. I know if I ever buy this place I’ll put more up and then be able to restock on my fave paperbacks, but for a rented place I think I’ve already put enough holes in the walls :)


  11. OMG kids books! Especiallly with pictures. Why can’t adult books have more pictures? I adored Pooh, and Kipling and Narnia and loved the books by Primrose Cumming about ponies, and Enid Blyton’s Barney books. Then I managed to get into the collection of Westerns belonging to my father and developed a tremendous love for strong noble taciturn men in big hat and chaps. i particularly liked the ‘Picadilly Cowboys’, like Oliver Strange and Frederick H Christian,English writers who had never been further West than Somerset. Absolute favourite, though, is the Wind in the Willows but it HAS to have all the chapters including the heart wrenching “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn” which is the closest I’ve ever got to a religious experience.


    1. Agreed, Elin. It would be wonderful to see more illustrations in grown-ups books. There are so many wonderful picture books out there–and plenty of new ones that are beautiful. I love the Gruffalo and pretty much all the books by the Scheffler/Donaldson team!

      Do you know, I’m ashamed to say I don’t think I’ve ever read Wind in the Willows. I remember having a lovely hardback copy, but could never get into it as a child. Maybe I was just too young when I tried?


      1. I think you’re probably right. I read the kids version, which just follows the adventures of Toad of Toad Hall and enjoyed it enough, but reading the full version as a young adult really hit hard. There are themes to do with guilt, homesickness, broken dreams and mercy that most teenies just won’t get – it’s to be hoped.


  12. I remember my mom buying this big book of fairytales, fables and poems from a traveling bookseller when I was four. We read that book together so many times that I had several stories memorized before I was yet able to read them. I still have it. Sadly, I never liked the illustrations, they were done in a woodcut style and some were pretty scary looking. I had the same feeling about the Chronicles of Narnia and remember being very angry about how the last book ended.


    1. Ooh, I reckon I’d love those creepy woodcuts now, but I can see why you’d have found them upsetting as a child. I had a wonderful book of Swedish Fairy Tales illustrated by John Bauer that I almost included in the list. The pictures are just stunning. Do a Google image search on his name and see what you think :)

      I think memorising favourite stories is a great way to learn to read. I’m sure that’s how I did. Phonics is totally overated, and my daughter can’t learn like that so I love that she’s memorising stories instead.


  13. I’m going to restrict myself to children’s books…

    A A Milne
    Little Old Mrs Pepperpot series
    Narnia series
    Wind in the Willows
    I am David
    The Silver Sword
    Anne of Green Gables
    Arthur Ransome
    My Side of the Mountain
    Me and Luke
    … I can’t do this – the list is endless. There was a period in my childhood when I hid from the world between the pages of a book. I still do it a bit.


  14. I always loved PD Eastman’s GO, DOG. GO!–the dog party in the tree at the end *still* looks like the best party ever! I never understood why EA Hass’s INCOGNITO MOSQUITO, PRIVATE INSECTIVE series never hit it big (and is now out of print)…it was much more fun than Donald Sobol’s Encyclopedia Brown books, because they were full of ridiculous puns. My brother’s childhood favorite was Nancy Gurney’s THE KING, THE MICE, AND THE CHEESE, which is indeed pretty cute (the plot has the same structure as the Daffy Duck/Porky Pig cartoon DIME TO RETIRE, which is a plus if you ask me). And because I was such a nerd, I loved those Charlie Brown’s Super Book of Questions and Answers with the Peanuts characters illustrating facts. (Jeopardy champ Ken Jennings revealed that *he* loved ’em as a kid too, but that they were poorly researched and inaccurate–say it ain’t so! His first book BRAINIAC is pretty fun; he annoyed me when he was a game show contestant, but now there’s recurring evidence that he’s a fairly cool, smartassed kind of guy.)


    1. Aw, hell, forgot LM Montgomery’s Emily of New Moon series–much snarkier and quirkier than the Anne of Green Gables series (well, the third one gets a little melodramatic, but I guess that’s understandable), and I really related to Emily.


  15. Little House on the Prairie books yes yes yes! I still read them because they are just so fascinating – I have the cookery book too and can recommend apples and onions. Goes well with pork chops.
    The earliest books were ones with lots of illustrations – one called Prudence Kitten’s ABC was wonderful and I still remember Z was for Zinnias. It’s long gone, sadly, so I don’t know who it was by.
    I was totally addicted to the frontispiece illustrations in Rupert Bear books – they used to be so detailed and mysterious.
    Weirdly I was thrilled by the Heidi books but can’t understand why now :)
    Enid Blyton Famous Five books were always good for a read although I never owned any of them.
    Later, Malcolm Saville’s books were responsible for me wanting to go and see the places in the UK he wrote about. I didn’t get to see the Long Mynd which features in Wings Over Witchend until a few years ago. The story features a glider, so when I was there and a glider whiffled overhead, it made the hairs on my neck stand up :D
    The Scarlet Pimpernel books kept me enthralled during my teenage years, as did John Buchan’s books.
    Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising Series were fantastic too although I didn’t discover them until I was much older.
    Oooo Jo! So many luvverly books. I’m going to have to go and reread them all now :D


    1. Oh yes, I’d forgotten about Heidi. Loved them when I was a kid too. It’s definitely worth re-reading childhood classics, although I suppose it could be a shame if they didn’t live up to your memories. I have a yearning to read Frances Hodgson Burnett’s “A Little Princess” right now. I wonder if that’s as good as I remember?


  16. The Little House on the Prairie series, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle series, Nancy Drew mysteries, later Jane Eyre, David Cooperfield etc.


  17. The one I immediately think of is Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with the Tenniel illustrations. Not only does he get into issues of logic and philosophy, he shows life in all its absurdity. Plus his verse is fab, especially Jabberwocky, Talk Roughly to Your Little Boy, and the Walrus and the Carpenter.


    1. Yes, Jabberwocky! Always loved that poem. I can still recite most of it by heart. Probably the whole thing if I refreshed my memory a little. “Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe…”


  18. Like many others here I grew up on Enid Blyton, progressing on to The Hardy Boys and Willard Price’s ‘Adventure’ series. Also loved a comic book back then, especially Tintin.

    I’ve been trying to track down a book I loved back in the 70’s about a boy whose grandfather was an inventor and he somehow ended up involved. I vividly remember one story where he got shrunk and had to make his way across the garden (how in the style of Honey I shrunk the kids) expect he survived by drinking raindrops and cutting nectar from flower petals. Damn I wish I could remember what it was called!


  19. The books that really got me reading were the Nancy Drews my parents had to buy every time we stopped on a roadtrip across the US. I still have them somewhere — mostly as hardbacks — and should really try rereading them at some point. My real childhood love, though was Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones.


    1. I must read some Nancy Drew again. I think I must have got them out of the library as I remember reading and loving them, but not owning them. Dogsbody sounds cute! Doesn’t ring any bells, though. I wonder if Daisy would enjoy it…


      1. I think Dogsbody is one of those books that can be enjoyed for the superficial story, or for the deeper themes depending on the age of the reader. I must get myself a new copy, as I think it was one of those I just borrowed repeatedly from the library.


  20. I love the Little White Horse! In fact, I like most books by Elizabeth Goodge. Another childhood book which I love in Tom’s Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce. I’ve just been listening to it on audiobook and it’s still fantastic.


    1. Hi HJ! I remember Tom’s Midnight Garden but I have a feeling it’s the tv series I remember rather than actually reading it. Maybe I should give that a go. And more Elizabeth Goudge. I think I’ve only read The Little White Horse by her!


  21. I still have my favorite chapter book from when I was a kid – Where the Red Fern Grows. I also kept a lot of my favorite books that I read with my daughter. And we won’t mention the other thousand books I have on my shelves! Though I did organize and catalogue them this summer.


    1. Ooh, you sound far more organised than me! Isn’t it lovely to share favourite childhood books with your own kids? Can’t wait for Daisy to have the concentration power for longer ones. We’re still on picture books we can finish in one sitting.


  22. Awww… that would be the old children’s book, Stellaluna.
    That one book, is what got me to love books ~ just that one book.. ehe… I don’t know why… It’s just one I remember the most.. :P
    Then I actually stopped reading for a while… but then after joining a book club in middle school, I came across T*Witches and from there I’m where I’m at now. I’ve read book after book, after book… XD

    Judi P


    1. I love it when books can respark your interest in reading. My sister was like–didn’t read for years then picked up The DaVinci Code and now she’s hooked on crime novels. No matter how many issues I have with Dan Brown in terms of writing style, if he gets people reading then that’s wonderful!


      1. Haha! ohh… that one…
        I couldn’t stand it…
        but to be honest, I loved Angels & Demons… but not The DaVinci Code.. hmmmm… ahah.. anyways, yep… even if I have to be subjected to possible fanshare of (in my opinion)junk like 50 shades of gray, so long as my friend (that is reading it atm) starts getting reading addiction…then I won’t complain too much. lol


  23. I can’t really remember what story got me really into reading. As a kid the only thing I was encouraged to do was read since tv supposed lt rot the brain and I think my siblings just wanted me to be quiet. Anyway the books I remember reading that may have fueled my reading habit are:

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    Tikki Tikki Tembo
    Amelia Bedelia books
    Berenstain Bears books
    The Babysitter Club series
    Maniac Megee
    The Giver series
    Superfudge and other Judy Blume stories
    and I’m pretty sure there were several fairy tales involved


    1. Ooh, I had a Berenstein Bears book which I loved–thanks for reminding me, H.B. I remember Judy Blume being a fave as a teen, but I also loved Paula Danziger. There weren’t all that many books geared towards teenage girls at the time.


  24. I love seeing everyone’s childhood favorites. I have to share a story about one of my favorites that ties into the theme of your book, Jo. So, that book would be MEG ON THE MOON which is a Meg and Mog book by Helen Nicoll (writer) and Jan Pieńkowski (illustrator). I remembered it as I was growing into adulthood, but it was one of those vague recollections of this fun story with these wonderful illustrations of a witch and cat, this knowledge of having loved something but not quite remembering the details. Now, my mom was a hoarder, not to the severest scale, but it was bad. After her death, I was cleaning out boxes, and what should I find but my book! I can’t even describe the utter joy that swept over me in finding it. It was the long lost friend come back. I don’t know if I even read all the books as a child, but that one book stayed in my heart. Now, it gets to stay with me there, and on my shelf.

    Sidenote: When I wanted to make sure I spelled Jan’s last name correctly for this, I found this wonderful item on his wikipedia page:

    “He also talked about his 40-year relationship with his collaborator and civil partner, David Walser, whom he met in a pub on the Kings Road in West London. They contracted their partnership in Richmond on the first day this was possible in 2005.”

    And that just makes my love for the book grow even more.


    1. Hi Carolyn! Thanks for sharing this–that’s such a lovely story! Childhood favourites really are special, aren’t they? I just reread Ronia the Robber’s Daughter (not my childhood original, sadly–I don’t know what happened to that) and it did feel like picking up an old friend. Massive comfort value.

      I remember loving Meg and Mog too, but I’d always assumed Jan was female. You learn something new every day :D


  25. I love Where the Wild Things Are, but one book that really affected, that I still have somewhere, is Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree. Talk about life lessons. That’s a book I will share with my kids and my grandkids one day.



  26. Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by, including Josephine, to share their memories and lists of favorite children’s books.

    The Junk Blog Tour has officially come to a close. Congratulations to “kirifox01”, who is the lucky prize winner here at The Novel Approach. For a complete list of prizes and winners, you can visit Josephine’s Site.

    Happy reading!



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