Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Coming Week

Sneak Peek

Cheers, everyone, and welcome to another look at what we have coming up for you in the week ahead. For those of you who celebrated, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Now, on to 2016!

Before I get to the business of upcoming business, I wanted to give you a little bit of feedback in case you’d noticed TNA doesn’t look like TNA. Well, long story short is that I’ve transferred the blog from a free WordPress account to self-hosted site. The transfer happened 2 days before they said it was going to–on Christmas Day. And me, with dinner for 15 to prepare. So, I had to scrabble and scramble to get something like a blog set up amongst the food prep. I also lost about a week’s worth of post that I need to see if WP can recover for me, but with a house full of out of town family, it’s going to take a few days for me to get my blog house back in order, so this is what we have until that happens.

Okay, that was a short story long… At any rate, thanks for bearing with me while I clear the dust.

Now, here’s who and what we have coming up for you this week, including our Best of 2015 year end picks!


Monday – Kicking off our week, we have co-authors Joseph Lance Tonlet and Louis Stevens joining us today to chat about their new book Quillon’s Cove

Today’s Best of 2015 Picks and Giveaway gets under way courtesy of Carrie and Jennifer

Tuesday – We’ll welcome author Amy Rae Durreson today to chat about her new novel Resistance with Carole Cummings in DSP Publications’ Genre Talk

And our second round of the Best of 2015 Picks and Giveaway will come courtesy of Jules and Lana

WednesdayS.A. McAuley joins us again today to chat a bit more about the upcoming new releases in her Borders War series

Round three of our Best of 2015 Picks and Giveaways will be brought to you by Lynn and Maryann

Thursday – Today we welcome authors Katey Hawthorne and Carlin Grant on the tour for their new novel Stronger, Better, Faster, More

And we’ll ring out the year with our final Best of 2015 Picks and Giveaway with Sammy, Sadonna, and yours truly

Friday – And finally, to help us ring in the new, we’ll have author Dianne Hartsock joining us today on the tour for her novel Nicholas


And that does it for this week. Until next time, happy reading!

2 thoughts on “Here’s a Sneak Peek at the Coming Week

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  1. I noticed the change and i was a bit worried at first because i couldn’t get on the blog anymore. But luckily that wasn’t for to long and i look forward to the upcoming week :)


    1. That’s definitely not how I’d intended to spend my Christmas Day, Angela! But I’m getting it back in shape, slowly but surely. :-D


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